Women’s Health Week

Women’s Health Week is an annual campaign reminding women, girls and gender-diverse people in our community to make their health a priority and build positive health habits for a better quality of life.

This year, PRONIA continues to promote @jeanhailes annual Women’s Health Week campaign of events and online activities designed to boost the health and wellbeing of women and gender-diverse people. Follow the week-long campaign for resources and tips on topics from menopause and perimenopause to pelvic health and mental wellbeing.


Day 1: You may be wondering which women’s health checks you need and whether you’re up to date as regular health checks promote the prevention and early detection of disease.

The health checks poster below provides women, girls and gender-diverse people of all ages with a comprehensive guide to put your health first this Women’s Health Week or make the appointment with your GP to discuss a health check plan that’s right for you.

Health checks poster https://assets.jeanhailes.org.au/Fact_sheets/whw22_health_checks_poster_A3_WEB.pdf

Day 2: Today @jeanhailes tackles questions about menopause and perimenopause, clearing up the confusion with expert advice on what to ask your GP, treatment options and how to navigate these life stages.

Day 3: Today @jeanhailes explores all things related to pelvic floor health and pelvic pain. Follow the links below to uncover common misconceptions about bladder leakage and receive pelvic health advice from a pelvic physiotherapist. They’re even giving you pelvic floor exercises in partnership with Australian Women’s Weekly to support your pelvic health!

Day 4: We all go through a lot of changes in our lives. grief, depression, breakups, or just tough times at work or at home.

But when we build valuable relationships, we can see the signs of stuggles and reach out with the simple question. “R U OK?”. Whether it be a friend, family member or a colleague, checking in with someone does not require a qualification, it’s a fundamental part of human connection.

Today at PRONIA, we are celebrating “R U OK?” Day to increase meaningful connections with one another. While it’s important to celebrate our successes together, connecting allows us to comfortably share conversations about our struggles and support each other through them!

If you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental health, support is within reach.

To find out more got to: ruok.org.au or @ruokday

Day 5: Move & Improve -It’s time to get active with @jeanhailes and learn how physical activity benefits both brain and body! Provided are some tips on how to keep active in your day to day life and the foods that’ll sustain you!

For more info visit: @jeanhailes or https://www.womenshealthweek.com.au/the-week/friday

PRONIA has had a long, proud history in advocating for social justice, equality of opportunity for individuals and communities, with the aim of helping to create a stronger, cohesive, and inclusive society for all Australians. It is within this spirit that PRONIA supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the “yes” vote in the upcoming referendum to constitutionally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the First Peoples of Australia and a Voice to parliament.

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