Mental Health & Wellbeing

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Greek Family Storytime

For families with children up to 5 years Our Greek Family Story Time is launcing on the 20th of July. -Join this incredible initatiative for Preschool children and their...

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Groundbreaking RMIT consortium puts community at the heart of engineering solutions

  PRONIA, SydWest Multicultural Services and Settlement Services International establish an alliance with RMIT University to link students with diverse communities. A first-of-its-kind community co-design consortium, launched on July...

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Maintaining good mental health and wellbeing is essential to live a healthy and better quality life. PRONIA offers many workshops and programs that aim to support your mental and physical wellbeing through increased social connection, diet and exercise support and counselling services.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Heart Health

  • What is the importance of maintaining good heart health?

    Your heart pumps to keep your body up and active. Maintaining a healthy heart can reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, depression and some neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Do you offer a program to support heart health?

    Yes, our Cardiac Rehabilitation Group has been running since 2004 and it continues to be the only Non-English speaking Cardio Rehabilitation Group in Victoria. It is supported by the Royal Melbourne Hospital and facilitated by experienced rehabilitation experts.

  • How do I join the Cardiac Group?

    You will need a referral from your cardiac specialist or GP to join the group. The group runs once a week on Thursday mornings from our Brunswick office. It is facilitated by a Greek speaking qualified physiotherapist who guides clients through exercise and provides information and resources on supporting and maintaining heart health.

  • What is the cost to join the Cardiac Group?

    The group is free to join and free to attend each week.

Workshops on Digital Literacy & English Language

  • I want to improve my English language skills. What do you provide?

    We provide online and in-person workshops with a qualified English language teacher. The workshops run twice a week for a 1.5 hour duration during the school terms. There is a fee charged to cover expenses. Please call the office on 03 9388 998 for further information.

  • Do you have computer classes?

    Yes there are computer and iPad classes. These are facilitated from different locations depending on demand. Please call the office on 03 9388 998 for further information.

Social Connection & Support

  • What groups do you have?

    We have social support groups that meet in person as well as by phone. These groups provide the opportunity to meet informally, build friendships and to stay connected with others in the community, as well as providing information and referrals for any other service you may require.

  • What if I can’t make it to the group every week, can I still come?

    Absolutely, you can still come when you can make it to the groups. You are welcomed any time. We look forward to meeting you.


  • Do you provide counselling and how much does it cost?

    Yes, PRONIA’s bilingual counsellors provide counselling in Greek or English. Free sessions are available for low-income earners and those on Centrelink payments, while those on Home Care Packages can access the service through their package. Our counselling service is also available to any member of the community. Any applicable fees or further questions can be discussed with your counsellor.

  • Are your counsellors bilingual?

    Yes, PRONIA’s experienced bilingual counsellors provide counselling sessions in both Greek and English language depending on your individual needs.

  • What issues can the counsellors support me with?

    PRONIA counsellors support clients with a range of issues including family relationships, grief and loss, mental health, isolation, stress, anxiety and more.

  • Are counselling sessions provided in person or online?

    Sessions are available both in person at our Brunswick office or Clayton location, as well as online via telephone or Zoom.

  • How do I access the counselling service?

    Referrals can be made by yourself, General Practitioners, Allied Health professionals, hospitals and Home Care package providers to name a few. This can be done by emailing or calling 03 9388 9998 to speak with one of PRONIA’s counsellors.
    NOTE – All conversations and records kept are confidential so no-one will know you have accessed the service


PRONIA has had a long, proud history in advocating for social justice, equality of opportunity for individuals and communities, with the aim of helping to create a stronger, cohesive, and inclusive society for all Australians. It is within this spirit that PRONIA supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the “yes” vote in the upcoming referendum to constitutionally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the First Peoples of Australia and a Voice to parliament.

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